Time Travel
I recently discovered this via someone way smarter than I am, but time travel is possible. Apparently this is well known to physicists and Einstein proved it possible with an equation a long time ago. So the process goes as this, first you need to launch yourself into space and travel at the speed of light for long periods of time, depending on how far you want to go in the future. Once you figure out how far you want to go, you then need to use Einstein’s equation to see how long you need to travel at the speed of light to get to your desired destination in the future. Then you can travel back to earth and you’ll be in the future much further than when you left. Some hurdles need to be jumped, I’ll naively call them simple because like, this is time travel. The first is obviously carrying enough energy to travel at the speed of light for long periods of time, the second along the same lines as the first is, slowing yourself down when coming back to the earth’s atmosphere. The third would be the human body surviving mass amounts of G force. Lastly, you won’t be able to return to your normal time if you’d like, at least, not with our current understanding but you never know, you’re in the future so maybe we figured that out by now and while you’re there, ask if they’ve proven string theory for me, I doubt it, but worth a shot. See, easy peasy. So anyways, who’s first?